Preventing loss of visual function of people with diabetes mellitus

Eye problems caused by diabetes are called DIABETIC RETINOPATHY. This disease can lead to vision loss if it is not detected at an early stage. Diabetic retinopathy screening is an organized action to identify ophthalmological problems caused by diabetes.

Checking the eyes for diabetic retinopathy will reveal problems before they affect diabetic’s vision
Make an appointment for screening
If you have diabetes and you don not:
  • have occasional ophthalmological examinations with dilated pupils and detailed retinal examinations
  • visit an eye doctor for diabetic retinopathy, it is very important that you enroll in the Diabetic Retinopathy Screening program as soon as possible
Please, fill out the online registration form on the website or contact our coordinator by calling:
+7 905 774 34 34
Enrollment is opened in Moscow. We will inform you about the possibility to make an appointment for screening in other cities.

Our patients’ stories

    The Retina Foundation of the Research and Treatment of Retinal Diseases of the Eye was established in March 2017.


    The Foundation’s mission is to preserve eyesight. We are promoting an environment where high-tech and highly professional surgical care for the treatment of severe retinal diseases is becoming possible and available to an increasing number of patients.

    It is not a question of trying to cure a few or a few hundred patients with the help or participation of the Foundation, although such a task is noble and we do not reject it. But for us, this is just our specific tasks among others, not an exhaustive understanding of the mission, not defining a strategy, not a dictating any solutions. The same restriction applies to the raising of financing, financial activities proper, information, etc.

    Thus, according to Konosuke Matsushita, founder of Matsushita Electric, the mission of any industrial company is to overcome poverty and prosperity of society, and the development and prosperity of the company itself is just a necessary precise tool.

    The conditions that we talk about are not the holding of charitable events and actions, including the operations themselves, not the search for money to support these events and the Fund’s activities, not information support.

    Conditions - a space of interaction and development of several directions related to the fundamental purpose of the Foundation, closely connected with each other:
    – scientific and educational, contributing to the development
    of ophthalmology in the country
    – practical training in the latest techniques, advanced training
    – social support for the introduction of modern surgical practice, in connection with this, charitable activities
    — cultural and educational work
    in professional, cultural and social communities. Formation of a zone of loyalty, understanding, interest and assistance. Without combining these areas in the Fund's strategy, it is impossible to fulfill the Mission.

    We create this space by acting, not by calling for action or by entrusting these actions to others. This is the uniqueness of the Fund, but also its responsibility.
    Tatiana Avanesova, Founder of the Foundation Ophthalmologist, Ph.D.

    More information about the Foundation’s projects on: www.retinafond.com
    About the Foundation

    Our News

    On June 7, 2022, an online lecture dedicated to the problems of vision in diabetes mellitus took place live.
    On the 17th of February 2022 the first event dedicated to the launch of the project «Screening of diabetic retinopathy» was held.
    In the Knowledge Base section there is an article about the autofluorescence of the eye floor with an ultra-broadband hazelnut camera Zeiss Clarus 500
    Diabetes and eyesight: everything you need to know. Lecture in live. 07.06.22 at 19.00
    © 2022 All rights reserved. Website Developer
    Тел.: +7 (905) 774-34-34
    e-mail: info@retinafond.com
    Address of the Foundation: 105122, Moscow, Shchelkovskoe highway, house 21, building 2.